Keep Employees from Becoming Competitors.

Employees are an important asset to your business, but they can also be the largest source of liability. They are necessary to keep your business operating, but also come with many legal obligations and questions – like this one:

How can you keep your employees from leaving and going to work for your competitors – or starting their own competitive business?



What is a Noncompete Agreement?

A noncompete agreement, also known as a noncompete clause or covenant not to compete, is a legal contract between an employer and an employee. The agreement stipulates that the employee will not engage in certain competitive activities, such as working for a direct competitor or starting a competing business, during or after their employment with the company.

Employees are within their rights to assess and re-evaluate the value their current employment brings to their life, in exchange for the time and energy it requires.

If they decide to leave, how can you protect your business? Can you ask your employee to sign a non-compete agreement? Are non-compete agreements effective?

We have helped our clients evaluate these questions for years, and the answer varies, depending on which state you conduct business in. These resources are here to answer your questions about employees & non-compete agreements.

Non-compete agreements are complex legal instruments that play a significant role in protecting employers’ interests. However, they must be carefully crafted to strike a fair balance between employer protection and employee rights. It is essential for both parties to be well-informed about noncompete agreements, the applicable laws in their region, and the potential implications of such agreements before entering into them. Seeking professional legal advice can prove invaluable in navigating the intricacies of noncompete law.

Contact us if you have questions we can help you with.

All those employee agreements you found on the internet that said “you can’t compete with us for 10 years after your termination” are probably void.

Find out why you need to rethink the validity of employee agreements.

Suppose you do business in Florida, but have a smattering of employees in other states, like New York, California and Texas, and require that disputes be resolved under the laws of Florida, where most of your business happens. All good, right?

Read why you may have problems with addressing your hardships in Florida.

Poaching has a huge negative connotation, but the reality is that there are only so many places you can find great employees . Either you are preventing great employees from leaving or you will find them working for a competitor. Poaching, for the most part, comes with the territory of healthy competition, but some employers can push the ethical or legal line in the effort to find talent.

Find out how to prevent competitors from poaching your employees.

Take these steps if your employee quits.

2021 in the workforce was known as the Great Resignation. In recent reports by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4.5 million people volunatarily left their jobs in November of 2021.

Managing Attorney Nasir Pasha is here to provide you with a few tips on how to handle this situation if an employee quits you.

And because Nasir is watching your back, don’t forget to take his advice on the 6 Habits of Business Owners That Will Get Them Sued.


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